If you’re in the process of looking for a reputable Melbourne pool company, or about to appoint one, you’ll find this article valuable because you will gain inside knowledge. Ensuring you’re getting what you anticipate is the best way to avoid disappointment. However, many pool buyers often overlook the fundamental importance of doing their due diligence before committing to such a large investment.
All domestic building work in Victoria valued over $5,000 requires the use of a Domestic Building Contract.
- Read it before signing. By reading your contract, you will know your rights.
- If changes are made to the original pool specifications, get the swimming pool company to provide a revised quotation before signing the contract. This will keep everything simple and in order.
- Under Special Conditions within the contract get the pool builder to write the following: (“Pool quotation dated (include the date) forms part of this contract”). Unless otherwise specified in the contract this will ensure there are no accidental omissions.
- Compare your quote and contract and tick off the corresponding specification as you go through the contract, making sure address details, pool dimensions, interior finishes, steps and/or underwater seats are clearly described. If something is missing it is best to ask the pool builder for clarification.
- Check and understand excavation details. Is spoil to be removed from site? If so, is it all included or only up to a specified dollar value, or kilometres from site. If the swimming pool builder underestimates excavation costs or distance from a tipping site, you may be charged additional costs incurred by the pool builder.
- Check the make, model and sizes of your pool accessories. E.g. If your quote states your solar heater's collector area is 40m2, then make sure it is written in the contract. If your quote doesn’t specify the solar collector size, then get clarification before signing. (The industry standard for solar coverage is 100% of your pools surface area.)
- Read the contract exclusions carefully.
- Ask your pool company to clarify any points that you don’t understand. A good pool builder will welcome the opportunity to explain any part of the contract to ensure you're happy.
- The builder must counter sign and provide a copy for your records. Any changes thereafter require a written variation to contract and must be signed by both parties before changes can take effect.
- Building works over $5,000 in Victoria always require a Domestic Building contract. If a pool builder tells you differently, then walk away. The building act of 1993 requires the use of a domestic building contract for all work over $5,000 in value including labour and materials.
Disclaimer: The information contained within this article is general in nature and is not to be considered in any way as legal advice. Should you require legal advice please consult with a qualified legal practitioner.